Appeal to Donars

A Heartfelt Appeal to Support the Sacrifice Rock IOTA Activation

Dear fellow amateur radio enthusiasts, donors, and foundations,

We are excited to share with you our latest adventure: activating the highly coveted Sacrifice Rock, AS-161, part of the Kerala IOTA group in India. This rare entity has long been a “holy grail” for IOTA enthusiasts, and we’re eager to bring it to life.

Our team has a proven track record of successful activations, having recently completed Nachugunta, Kanika, and Sagar. However, Sacrifice Rock presents a unique set of challenges, including treacherous terrain, inhospitable environment, and substantial costs.

To overcome these obstacles, we need your support. The estimated cost of this project is approximately $10,000, which will cover essential expenses such as:

  • Additional generators and equipment
  • Lightweight, portable tents and tables
  • A holding boat and 24/7 safety team
  • Band-pass filters, amplifiers, and reception antennas to combat high noise issues
  • Fuel for the boat and generators
  • Ensuring continuous power supply and refueling

Your contribution will help us bridge the financial gap and make this activation a reality. In return, we offer:

  • A unique opportunity to support a rare IOTA activation
  • Recognition on our website and social media channels
  • A special QSL card designed specifically for this activation
  • The knowledge that you’re supporting a team of dedicated amateur radio enthusiasts

We urge you to consider supporting this expedition. Your donation, big or small, will bring us closer to our goal. Tentative dates for the activation are set for the second week of February, and Charles, M0OXO, will be our QSL manager.

Please join us on this exciting adventure and help us make the Sacrifice Rock IOTA activation a success. Your support means the world to us!

Our Paypal: sarath at lven dot in (

Thank you for considering our appeal.


Sarath and the Sacrifice Rock IOTA Activation Team

Individual Donations

Dragon, K0AP Bernie, W3UR
Chip, NN4UNoel, NR5R
Carl, W9OOWilliam, K0DEQCharles, W7BEMSeppo Sunikka
Attila, HA5JP
Martinm PE1NCPRon, KF7ZNDave, G3UHU